We are delighted to report that we have had the successful treatment of a case of tetanus!
Tetanus is not an infectious disease; it only affects individual horses. Tetanus is caused by the bacterium clostridium tetani, which is found in the soil and enters the horse’s body though any cut or even a foot abscess. The bacteria produces a toxin which acts tocause progressive and ultimately complete muscular contraction, resulting in spastic paralysis of all muscles, including those of the respiratory system. The signs of tetanus include muscle stiffness and ‘lock-jaw’, stiff gait, raised tail head and hyper-reactivity. Sadly, this disease is fatal in approximately 80% of cases despite prompt and aggressive treatment. If vaccinations for tetanus are up-to-date, tetanus is considered a truly preventable disease and, as such, vets consider tetanus vaccination an absolute essential part of equine healthcare, whether the horse is retired in a field or a top-level competition horse.

We held a very successful client evening at Ashbrook earlier this month, with our vets Roger Dixon and Millie Lumsden and also Tullis Matson of Stallion AI Services. Clients were treated to an overview of the Artificial Insemination process and breeding, a great selection of foal cases and also a very entertaining presentation by Tullis. If anyone is thinking of breeding from their mare or expecting their first foal, and would like advice or information sheets, please do call the office and discuss with Roger or Millie.

New Surgeon
Abigail Kent BVetMed(Hons), MRCVS, DACVS-LA
Joined the team at Ashbrook Equine Hospital from the beginning of March. She graduated from The Royal Veterinary College, London in 2012 and then spent a year working as a vet in a first opinion mixed practice in Lincolnshire before starting her path to become an Equine Surgeon. She completed an internship at San Luis Rey Equine over in California and undertook her Equine Surgery residency, and latterly surgical employment, at Peterson Smith Equine Hospital, a busy private practice in Ocala, Florida. This incredibly busy Equine Hospital specialises in treating racehorses and sport horses. Her interests in equine surgery include arthroscopy, colic surgery and upper airway surgery.
In her spare time, Abigail enjoys playing sports, especially lacrosse, and loved paddle boarding along the beaches and springs in Florida. Hopefully the waterways of Cheshire provide just as much entertainment for Abigail without the risk of becoming an alligator aperitif! Outside of the busy breeding season in Florida, she also learnt to play a little golf and compete in sprint triathlons.
